je ne sais quoi

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Groupetto Chronicles

I've done four races in France. I've had four groupetto finishes. So perhaps it's time to rename the blog? Hehe. The strange part is, despite the continuity of the mediocre/poor results, the legs have been better with each race. They look nicer, too! Veins poppin up in places i'd never imagined they would. So despite circumstances that should normally bum me out, the motivation is on a tear. I think I can partly attribute it to the new interval game. Finishing intervals and all's not just a physical gain, but a emotional lift as well. For me, anyhow. The mind and legs need to be on the same page. Yep, so the motivation and its healthy state: it's not "so high that i'm bound for a crash" high, but the "really controlled routine-driven" type of motivation. It's perfect, and I'm enjoying every moment immensely. Really, i'm not just saying that to rationalize my being here. Those who know me well know how complementary my lifestyle is to a European only regret, like I've said before, is that I didn't do this lotttts of years ago. Oh, and I also regret eating. Daily. Manger c'est PAS bonne pour cycliste! In any case. A photo to start things off:

The team for yesterday's 150k session. Left to Right....Me, Luic, Julien (seated), Herve, Herve #2 (seated, DS), and Michael hiding in the brush. Despite being pretty crammed in the team car, the ride out (3 hours) was a blast. The race? Things started off rosy. Perfect weather. Couldn't see a mountain in sight on the way la la yeahhh. Like I mentioned, I brought the good legs. But for naught. Everything changed really quick. First, had a bit of a mechanical issue. No worries. Then, of course mountains showed up. Who invited them?? I cruised it at 197bpm while getting over the top of the 2nd climb. Whoever made up the "course profile" thing for that race MUST have been wasted while making that thing. The profile map showed 3-4 climbs, and plenty of flat. The DS told me, "Aram, looks like a good course for you." Cool. Nope. Not today. Not yet......In emphatic fashion, my getting shelled after 40k (and lots of vertical meters!) coincided with a crazy downpour, and yeah. Cruised it home with a group of 10-20. The faces of the groupetto changed often, but given my VAST experience in this type of group, I stayed in there. But I'm in good spirits. Here, let's end this entry with the PRE-race video session. We're a cheery bunch, no? Perhaps one day we'll have an equally cheerful post-race video...

Kermesse (Crit) next week! Stoked!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very good your web site aram

11:15 AM

Blogger Aram said...

Julien! Mon profesor du Anglais! Bienvenue!

11:22 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

dellali im impressed, i liked the smirk though... kinda gives that, damn im a badass look at my french skills mofo vibe

3:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was a pretty decent accent there Aram. I can tell your French is coming along nicely. Glad to hear that your spirits are good. Just remember this is a wonderful experience that you will always remember. For me, I got up and did the first morning group ride since moving to this town. Actually, they moved the start time up this week, but I wasn't the only guy to miss it so we had our own little group. We made some pretty fast pace into stiff head and cross winds all morning so I am pretty blown now, ready for a nap!

10:36 PM


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