je ne sais quoi

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The New(ish) Air Album

She's a daisy. "Pocket Symphony" is what it's's the perfect "last night alone in a big giant house in France" music. Coincidentally, that's exactly where i'm at right now. It's my last night alone. Gonna be going to dinner with a couple of friends tomorrow night. Then I think they need me to be out of here by saturday, though I'm going to ask if I can stay 'till monday. I have my reasons.

One thing that i've been constantly thinking about, as it is the time of year to do so....Next Year. I have the green light to come back to France. For that, I'm stoked. If you read the blog, you know what type of racer I am. Average (at best) climber, but with little effort I can sprint with anyone anywhere if the motivation is right. In an interview a few days ago I mentioned (in my crude french) that in the US, 90% of races are great for sprinters. In France, the inverse is true. 10%, which is about the number of races I did allright in. So, this has left me on the fence regarding whether to return to France or not. If I do return, it'll be with the same team, doing the same races in the same places. I dunno. I miss the success of criterium racing...and narcissistic as this may sound...I look down at my legs sometimes and think that "'re too friggin huge for this game." So that's where I'm at.

Another thing. I'm not sending out resumes to teams this year. Why? It's a degrading and annoying process with a .0001% probability of success and about a 50% probability of frustration. Just going to get the word out that i'm looking for a team, and see where that goes. Season starts and i'm unattached? No worries. I know i'll be coming around lots of wheels when the season starts...and that's my preferred method over the ridiculous process of blindly emailing resumes to random places in hopes of an unlikely job. A bit of bitterness here, I apologize, but that's how it goes. To anyone delving in this dreadful game this year, good luck, brace yourself, and don't be phased by whatever or whoever you might run into. Remember who they are, and definitely remember to click it into the 11 and pass them at the line with 10 bike lengths. That kind of motivation is unparalleled, and ironically, some type of ill-treatment is the only way to get it...maybe I should send some out? heh...

So yes. I'm looking for a team. I didn't want to post it on the blog, but why not? It's a networking tool. Again, I can't commit to anything this early, but want to see what options are out there and hope to decide whether I'm going across the pond next year by the end of October. Still, I'd love to see what opportunities are available in the 'states. Please email me at: if an opportunity for '08 comes up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how the team search going? going back to france or staying primed on a diet of domiguez hilz ?

good luck to ya.

6:50 AM


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